Current Research Projects
  Business and Economics
Film Industry and the Straits Chinese between Empires - The Family of Mrs Loke Yew and the Cathay Organisation in Hong Kong, Singapore & Kuala Lumpur, 1920s-70s (PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG) (01/01/2024-12/2027)
Trading Diaspora and Screen Connections: Ho Khee-yong Family and Kong Ngee Enterprises in Hong Kong, Singapore, Penang and Ipoh 1930-1970 (PI: Prof. Stephanie Po-yin CHUNG)
Trading Diaspora and Merchant Community-The Sassoon and Kadoorie Family Enterprise in the Middle East, South and Southeast Asia and Coastal China, 1830-1990 (Prof. Chung Po Yin)
A Business History of Two Chinese Ancestral Tongs, 1830-2007 (Prof. Chung Po Yin)
  Community Engagement Projects

Lantau Conservation Fund, Lautau Story Under Water - The Legend of Shek Pik 埋藏在水下的大嶼山故事—石壁傳奇

Recreating the underwater villages of Shek Pik



History research team receives funding for Shek Pik Village study歷史系團隊獲資助研究石璧鄉 (ENG) (中)

Department of History receives LCSD funding for ‘Basin Feast’ research歷史系獲康文署撥款研究 「食盆故事」 (ENG) (中)

Local history of Yan Gardan and Dongguan (Funding : HKBU Service-Learning Mini-Grants. PI Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK)

HKBU-led team receives support to study Pok Fu Lam fire dragon dance浸大領導團隊獲撥款研究薄扶林舞火龍 (ENG) (中)

Tracing where Hong Kong's sea and land communities meet追溯水陸香港的相遇

HKBU Horizons 2018-19 Issue 1;s-sea-and-land-communities-meet-/ (ENG);s-sea-and-land-communities-meet-/ (中)

Centennial History of Bethel Mission of China (Funding: The Bethel Mission of China; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
Children of Empire: The History of Eurasians in China, Hong Kong and Britain, 1830-1960 (Dr. Catherine Frances Ladds)
Centenary History of the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union (Prof. Lee Kam Keung)
A History of the Hong Kong Bible Conference Association (Funding: Hong Kong Bible Conference Association Ltd.; PI: Prof. Kam-keung LEE)
Post War Hong Kong Comics: A History (Prof. Mak King Sang)
Counting Up and Counting Down: Approaches to Aging Among Qing Writers (PI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO) (2024-)
Getting Older, Doing Worse: Aging-provoked Unhappiness as Seen in Self-narratives of Qing China (Funding: RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme [HSSPFS]), Awardee: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO)
The Joy and Frustration of Aging: Self-narratives of Men and Women in Qing China (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
Representation of Teaching Mothers in Paintings: A Study of Messages Embedded in the Kezi tu Production in Qing China (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
Mothers as Teachers: Evidences from Paintings in Qing China (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
A Study of the Women’s Press in Late Qing China (Prof. Chow Kai Wing)
Trafficking of Women and Children in Asia: A Contemporary Form of Slavery (Prof. Chu Yik Yi)
Happy Birthday vs. Rest in Peace: Birthday Greetings and Bereavement Messages for Women in Late Imperial and Republican China (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
Herstory: Historical Works by Women in Imperial China (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
  Education and Applied History
Consultancy for the EBD project “中史自學平台”, Phrase 2 (Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)
Production of the Learning and Teaching resource package “《想‧創—中國歷史學與教資源套 (第二輯)》” for the Revised Chinese History Curriculum (Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW)
Teaching Chinese History with 3D Models of Artifacts (Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Sammy Kin-sum LI; CI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM, Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Daniel Kam-chau KWOK, Dr. Yuen-han LAW)
An Interactive Map for Chinese History and History Subjects: The Battle of Hong Kong during the Second Sino-Japanese War (Dec 1941) (Funding: Quality Education Fund, HK; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG; CI: Prof. Clara Wing-chung HO, Prof. Timothy Man-kong WONG, Dr. David SCHLEY, Dr. Ka-chai TAM, Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Mr. Tony BANHAM, Mr. Yiu-lun TSOI, Mr. Tim-keung KO)
Provisional of Service for Developing the Online e-Learning Platform to Promote Self-directed Learning in History to Support the Implementation of the Revised Junior Secondary History Curriculum (Funding: Education Bureau, HK, PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)
Advice on Wealth Management Given by a Mother in Late Qing and Early Republican Guangdong: A Study of Qu Fengzhu and Her Zhijia Yaoyi (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
The Glocalization of the Catholic Church in the Context of Higher Education in China in the First Half of the 20th Century (Prof. Chu Yik Yi)
An Oral History of HKBU Student-centered Learning Experience in Beijing, 1989-2014: The Summer Sojourn of the China Studies Programme at Tsinghua University as the Case Study (Dr. Wong Man Kong)
Enhancing Students’ Graduate Attributes (GAs) through Problem Based Learning and Service Learning in Formal Academic Courses (Prof. Chu Yik Yi)
  Intellectual History
A bookish Science: Eighteenth-century Botany and Its Use of Books (Dr. Bettina Dietz)
Escape to Inwardness: Philosophical Responses to Modernity and Modernization in China during the 1930s (Prof. Mak King Sang)
Enlightened Technology: Cameralist Experiments in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe (Dr. Bettina Dietz)
Memoirs of Dr. Lau Wah Sum (Prof. Lee Kam Keung)
Identifying Female Historians in Imperial China (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
A Study of the Intellectual Couple Hu Wenkai and Wang Xiuqin (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
The Chinese Path to Enlightenment (Prof. Mak King Sang)
Cameralist Experiments in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe (Dr. Bettina Dietz)
The Collaborative Epistemic Culture of Eighteenth-Century Natural History (Dr. Bettina Dietz)
  Intercultural, Interregional, and International History
Children in Transit: Steamship mobilities across colonial seas, c. 1869-1950 (PI: Dr. Catherine LADDS) (01/2024-)
Archaeology and Modernization in the Ottoman Middle East (PI: Dr. Elvan COBB) (10/2022-09/2024)
Spatial Histories of the Early Ottoman Railroads (PI: Dr. Elvan COBB) (01/2022-12/2024)
Casting Two-tone Bells in Ancient China: Designs and Manufacturing Techniques (PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI)
Mobile Subjects: British Nationality and Consular Protection on the Edges of Empire, c. 1900-1950 (Dr. Catherine Frances LADDS)
Centering Dutch Indies Chinese from the Margins: On Nationality and Subjectness in an Era of Inter-Imperial Rivalry, ca. 1854-1930 (Dr. Liu Oiyan)
Gridlocked: A History of Traffic in New York City before the Automobile (Dr. David Schley)
Marginal People in Liminal Places: Non-elite Europeans in Colonial-era East Asian Port Cities ( Dr. Catherine Frances Ladds)
Chinese Mixed Race Communities in Eastern Java and Their Regional Connections: The Shaping of a Maritime Silk Road Corridor, 1400-1900 (Dr. Oiyan LIU)
Attaining Accuracy and Precision of Measuring Containers during the Qin Dynasty (Dr. Kin-sum LI)
The Mass Production of Bronzes in 500-300 BC China (PI: Dr. Kin-sum LI)
The Production, Function, and Revitalization of Silk Textiles from Ancient China (Kin-sum LI)
Making the Capitalist City: The B&O Railroad and Urban Space in Baltimore, 1827-1877 (Dr. David Schley)
A Study of Memorial Parks in Honor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Different Countries (Prof. Clara Wing-chung Ho)
An Archival Research on the Diplomatic Career of Sir Edward Youde as British Ambassador to China, 1974-1978 (Dr. Wong Man Kong)
The History of London Missionary Society, 1842-1922 (Dr. Wong Man Kong)
  Law and Military
Cold War in the New Territories: Garrison and Internal Security, 1949-1984 (PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG) (2024-)
To Tame the Untameable: Zhu Yuanzhang’s (r. 1368-98) Struggles to Establish his Ideal Society by Legal Measures in light of the Dagao and the Dan’elu (PI: Dr. Ka-chai TAM)
Fixing the Outdated Ancestral Rule: the Formation of the Hongzhi Wenxing tiaoli and the Socio-economic Transformations of Mid-Ming China in the Light of the Huang Ming tiaofa shi leizuan and Other Legal Sources from 15th Century (Dr. Tam Ka-chai)
The British Army Aid Group (1942-1945): A Historical Geographic Information System (HGIS) Project (Funding: Knowledge Transfer Office Seed Fund; PI: Dr. Chi-man KWONG)
The Japanese “Total-State” Experiment in Hong Kong, 1942-1945 (Dr. Kwong Chi Man)
Envisioning Future Warfare in China: Tactics, Technology, State, and National Mobilisation (Dr. Kwong Chi Man)
Institutionalisation of Modern Military Science in Republican Chinese Armies: A Study Focusing on the Fengtian and the National Revolutionary Armies, 1911-1937 (Dr. Kwong Chi Man)
The Ming-Qing Transition (1619-1740): A Reassessment from the Legal Angle (Dr. Tam Ka-chai)
Sino-Japanese War and Modern China (Prof. Lee Kam Keung)
Managing Social Order in Maritime South China: Late Ming (1550–1645) Judicial Court Experiences (Dr. Tam Ka-chai)
The Military History of Hong Kong, 1840-1970 (Dr. Kwong Chi Man)
  Public Health
Nursing and the History of Everyday Life in Hong Kong: A History of the Kwong Wah Hospital Nurse Training School (Funding: Tung Wah Group of Hospitals; PI: Prof. Man-kong WONG; CI: Dr. Wing-chung FAN, Dr. Yuen-han LAW)
The Healing Ministry: Protestant Christianity and the History of Medical Care in Colonial Hong Kong, 1842-1997 (Prof. Wong Man-kong)
A History of Diseases and Epidemics in Hong Kong, 1841-2003 (Dr. Wong Man Kong)
A Documentary History of Public Health in Hong Kong (Dr. Wong Man Kong [with Prof. Leung Yuen Sang, Prof. Lee Shiu Hung, and Prof. Yip Ka-che])
A History of Diseases and Epidemics in Hong Kong (1840s-1960s): A Pilot Project (Dr. Wong Man Kong)